Indiana Death Row



DOB: 10-19-71 DOC#: 910135 White Male
Madison County Superior Court #1 Judge Fredrick Spencer

Prosecutor: Rodney J. Cummings, David L. Puckett

Defense: Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Bryan R. Williams

Date of Murder: February 25, 2004

Victim(s): Cory Clark W/F/26; Jenna Clark W/F/4 (No relationship to Baer)

Method of Murder: slashing throat with knife

Summary: On the afternoon of February 25, 2004, Cory Clark and her 4-year-old daughter were alone in their home near Lapel. Her 7-year-old daughter was at school and her husband was outside the state. Baer entered the residence and used a knife to slit the throat of Cory Clark, then chased down 4-year-old Jenna and slit her throat as well. Baer had attempted to rape Cory before her death. Baer had been working at a nearby construction site that day, left work, committed the murders, then returned to the job. The apparent motive was to feed a drug habit and a deviate sexual appetite. Baer also faces Rape and Burglary charges in Marion and Hamilton Counties.

Trial: Information/PC for Murder Filed (03-03-04); Amended Information and Death Sentence Request Filed (04-07-04); Recusal of Presiding Judge (12-16-04); Change of Venue Granted (01-31-05); Motion to Plead Guilty But Mentally Ill (02-28-05); Plea Rejected (03-01-05); Motion to Sever Unrelated Offenses Granted (04-04-05); Voir Dire in Huntington County (04-26-05, 04-27-05, 04-28-05); Amended Information Filed (05-02-05, 05-12-05); Jury Trial in Madison County (05-03-05, 05-04-05, 05-05-05, 05-10-05, 05-11-05, 05-12-05); Verdict (05-12-05); Amended Information Filed (05-17-05); DP Trial (05-19-05, 05-20-05); Verdict (05-20-05); Court Sentencing (06-09-05).

Conviction: Murder, Murder, Robbery (Class A Felony), Attempted Rape (Class A Felony); Theft (Class D Felony).

Sentencing: June 09, 2005

Aggravating Circumstances:
b(1) Robbery, b(1) Attempted Rape, b(8) Two Murders, b(9) On Parole, b(12) Victim Less Than 12

Mitigating Circumstances:
Mental Illness, Paranoid Personality Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Severe Drug Dependency, Difficult Childhood, Toxic Parenting, Bad Report Cards, Impulsive, Mother had Chemotherapy, Sister Got Killed.


As of July 1, 2006

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